11 thousand foreign companies in Turkey

  • 10 months ago
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11 thousand foreign companies during the past year, the Republic of Turkey witnessed the establishment of 10 thousand and 682 foreign companies, during the period between “January – October” of the current year 2019.

According to official Turkish Data, Turkey witnessed the establishment of 949 joint-stock companies and 9,733 limited liability companies this year.

The city of Istanbul has become one of the most hospitable Turkish States for foreign joint-stock companies،

With specific liability, the total investments are 353 million and 798 thousand Turkish Liras (61 million dollars) for Joint Stock Companies, and one billion and 730 million and 218 thousand Turkish Liras (278 million and 275 thousand dollars) for limited liability companies, according to the Federation.

The statement pointed out that foreign companies were distributed in other Turkish States, the most important of which are Ankara, Izmir, Antalya, Mugla, Gaziantep and Mersin.11 thousand foreign companies in Turkey.

He revealed that the value of the total investments of foreign companies in Turkey, during the first 10 months of this year, 4 billion 26 million and 801 thousand Turkish Liras (about 694 million dollars).

At the level of limited liability companies, 684 companies with Syrian, 362 Saudi, 288 Jordanian, 274 Iraqi and 260 Egyptian Capitals were established during the same period.

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